On the way to the paperless office, the customer had the task of scanning incoming documents and attach them to records in the electronic document management system. The scanning process had to be separated in time and space from the filing process.
The temporal and spatial separation of scanning and assignment is achieved through the use of network-capable scanners. These were given a customer-specific configuration so that scanned documents are stored temporarily in a suitable network folder. To ensure that the documents can be clearly assigned to records in the existing document management, a function for the production of QR code labels was implemented. Subsequently, a microservice was created that reads PDF files from the network folder and examines them for QR codes, splits them up if necessary and and assigns them to the appropriate context in document management.
The use of network-capable scanners eliminates the PC as a bottleneck for digitization. At the same time, the post-processing of the documents, which is detached from the scanning, avoids active waiting on the part of the user. By making all documents available digitally, they are accessible to everyone without tedious searching through paper folders.
I will gladly contribute my experience and help you with the implementation.
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